Passing the torch of hope

Something to remember.

Water flowing, flower floating

I was not there seventy-one years ago today. I do not personally know anyone who was there seventy-one years ago today. No one around me who knew persons who were there seventy-one years ago today would talk to me about their stories… after all these years, it is all still very fresh in their memories and brings up feelings in them too strong to put into words. And every year on this day, I find myself once again not knowing what to say to properly acknowledge what they have gone through. So, once again this year, I spent the day in silence.

This year, the number of those who were there seventy-one years ago today that we have lost to date exceeded three hundred thousand. The average age of those who are still with us is now over eighty years. There are less and less who can tell us about…

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About notewords

Guitarist, Music teacher, Writer
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2 Responses to Passing the torch of hope

  1. snowygrounds says:

    Hi, notewords – thank you so much for passing on the torch! I am very touched that you found something in my post to remember…

  2. Zarina says:

    Origami. One of my 8yo niece (I’ve got two same age) came over last Saturday with a pack of the papers. She was busy folding ‘my favourite bird – parrot but had to change to parakeet (so adorable). I passed an origami book which my mum got few years back since no one is doing it in this house.

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